Emergent Coding

Emergent coding is a radical model of software development that promises to realise the fifty-year old dream of a software-components market. The market is completely non-custodial and developers earn income selling components on the market. On the flip side, native applications can be built quickly and cheaply from components purchased at the market.

The real innovation underpinning a feasible software components market is software components that can not be copied or reused. The essential change is a reversal of integration responsibility. Instead of fetching a component in the traditional sense, you now provide a construction site to your component supplier and they integrate their component into your project. The result is a new method of producing native software that doesn't use source code. We have coined the term "open design" as open source or closed source has little meaning when referring to this method.

Such a software development system enjoys a fast path for improvement driven by competition and powerful financial incentives focused at the component level. Such a system is capable of approaching efficient, native solutions, and such a system is designed to construct all software for all platforms with properties to out-compete and ultimately supersede current software development practices.

Component Studio

Emergent Studio is an IDE for expressing the desired project components, managing the project construction process, and returning the resulting project binary. With Studio, a developer can construct software from components, and also construct Component Agents to sell their own components on the market.

Component Agents

Our reimagined software component model centers on "agents" that automatically accept cash prepayment, form design agreements with project peers, sub-contract smaller features, and deliver project fragments, while protecting intellectual property. Currently, a pool of several thousand Agents distributed across 4 levels of abstraction (Behaviour, Systems, Data, Byte) provide the core resource for developers around the world to build their own component agents using emergent coding.

Component Catalogue

An integral part of the components market is an interactive catalogue of prices, data sheets, and contract specifications, implemented on a distributed Kademlia store to automatically scale as new agents peer with the network. Such an implementation also permits close binding with Studio and Agents to provide real-time access to Price data, Agent data sheets, and Contract specifications stored therein.

Component Payments

An ideal payment system for a global software components market requires direct cash payments regardless of supplier origin. Combining so many project payments when suppliers are distributed across so many countries is a formidable challenge were it not for the advent of peer-to-peer electronic cash technology. Emergent Coding not only applies Bitcoin Cash (BCH), perhaps the closest humanity has come to inventing ideal money, but harnesses the tech's payment channels. Incredibly, payments via payment channels can not be double-spent and enjoy capacity well beyond credit cards and fiat systems by virtue instant, irreversable, direct, cash payments can be conducted by simply signing and forwarding a transaction datagram.

Distributed Fault Tracing

A distributed development system that doesn’t use source code forces a rethink on how we locate software defects and faults. Distributed Fault Tracing (DFT) is an emergent coding subsystem that conducts fault tracing in historically built software without project contributors exposing any intellectual property. The system can locate any of the potentially millions of contributors that is in breach-of-contract and forms the basis of the extraordinary accountability intrinsic to emergent coding.

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